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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another Traffic-Hindering Roadwork Fatigues Pattaya Residents on Third Road

PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด

Pattaya —

Pattaya City is partly blocking off yet another road to fix a drainage problem that had just been fixed.

Local media reported that Pattaya locals residing on Pattaya Third Road near the Moom Aroi restaurant are complaining about the beginning of a new roadwork to install a drainage system and some large underground pumps.

The Thai media said the project is taking up two lanes or about 50 meters of Pattaya Third Road, resulting in travel difficulties although this particular spot, according to the media, had previously gone through a drainage-laying project several months ago, which was supposed to be completed already according to the city’s announcement.

PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด

The reason for resuming the work, according to local media, was that the drainage covers were not fitting properly with the road surface, so whenever vehicles passed over them, it created a loud metal clanging sound that reverberated throughout the surrounding area. This prompted Pattaya City to yet order another roadwork to solve the new issue.

The exact completion date is not in the report, The Pattaya News notes.

PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด


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The Latest Local News Translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-two year old who currently lives and studies his last year of college in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.

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