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Thursday, May 16, 2024

‘Ajinomoto’ awakens the trend of the new generation Unleash ideas through low-sodium cooking • Thumbsup

‘Cooking’ boosts emotional relaxation Reduce stress from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Which is not surprising because ‘Kitchen Therapy’ is a therapy by cooking in the kitchen. both in medical It is also accepted that cooking is one of the activities that can help heal the mind.

Many people say that cooking brings pride. And it’s another way to express creativity. by conveying feelings through cooking Add happiness and flavor to every dish. The next part of ‘cooking’ is to bring joy to the people who eat it. both with family and loved ones

In terms of food, many menus that are pleasing to the palate often contain MSG ingredients. (Monosodium glutamate) almost in order to add umami flavor to the main meal, adding a mellow delicious flavor. without using other additional seasonings The white crystalline powder that we are all familiar with. and known as “Ajinomoto MSG” It is considered that Phong Nua has been with Thai people for a long time, I don’t know how many generations per generation, along with many people’s misunderstandings about MSG.

In fact, choosing the right amount of MSG for cooking. In addition to helping to make the flavor more delicious It also helps to get enough amino acids that are good for the body. The essential amino acids are important for many aspects of the body, such as protein synthesis. strengthen and repair tissues and enhance the functioning of the immune system

Ajinomoto (Thailand) Co., Ltd. developed the concept As well as creating awareness for consumers to get the most out of creating flavorful dishes with monosodium glutamate. Ready to target the new generation who are especially interested in cooking through the project. ‘Ajinomoto Young Chef Thailand’ to find a new generation who has a passion for cooking This activity was organized under the concept of “Less sodium but still delicious.” This is in line with Ajinomoto’s mission to solve problems related to food and the health of people in society.

from the past project ‘Ajinomoto Young Chef Thailand’ received a lot of attention from a wide audience All teams that have participated in this competition All of them have the potential and raise their ideas to the fullest throughout the duration of the competition. In addition to all contestants, teams will receive impressions and opportunities to increase their experience in creating food menus. Seasoning the food. also received the knowledge that Ajinomoto gave It is a technique for making delicious food but with less sodium by using MSG. The hope is that the extension of this project will help inspire the cooking of many people, more or less, while communicating and elevating sustainable good health.

In addition, the project Ajinomoto Young Chef Thailand It also shows the potential and energy of the new generation who are driven by passion, inspiration and determination in creating food dishes. Create health and well-being for Thai society It is also the starting point for people in the food industry to pay attention to the correct cooking behavior through correct knowledge and understanding. The new generation will become an important motivator for good change. in creating good food that is useful for good health and well-being for Thai society in the future


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