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Friday, May 3, 2024

Airline tix — prices from the US

I see that airline tix ***in mid-to-late December*** from Orlando to either Bangkok or Chiang Mai are about $2000 per person … at the cheapest. Tix are much cheaper either before (October — November) or after (mid-January) than during late December (cheapest about $1,400 per person) ***This makes perfect sense because I imagine there is more travel demand to Thailand during the Holiday season.***

I have always heard that the best time to buy airline tix is about two months out from your date of departure (for best price). But I am now doubting that the tix for December will get any cheaper since the tix ever farther out are just as inexpensive as the ones in October to November.

So any way, is $2000 per person considered a good fare over the Holidays? Should we just go ahead and purchase? Or do you think it will come down a bit in a couple of months? Or maybe it will go up?

I Hate trying to game out airline fares, but here I am …


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