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‘ANTIFRAGILE’ The way to survive a business that must survive in a strong way. But it’s flexible in every situation.

The author admits that the book ‘ANTIFRAGILE’ is one of those books that is difficult to read and understand in many ways that must be clearly interpreted. So I try to look at the perspective of many people to find out more about the definition of the word. ‘ANTIFRAGILE’ RELATED TO BUSINESS Why are modern marketers interested in these things?

With the “uncertainty” situation that businesses have had to face in many forms since before the Covid-19 crisis, 2 years ago, we still can’t know when this crisis will end. That is the approach that the business sector has to face, namely, fall and get up to survive. The bigger the company Chances of falling are even more impossible. But how to support the business to survive and not affect the big picture?

If different types of problems are classified, they are:

  • Fragile : When faced with uncertainty and unable to cope
  • Resilience: when faced with uncertainty able to cope and recover quickly
  • Antifragile : When faced with uncertainty, it will “benefit” from that event.

book Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder defined the word ‘ANTIFRAGILE’ says things that benefit from shock. in the face of volatility risk of malfunction and stress Humans will have the ability to prevent those conditions by being flexible or resistant to impact and returning to their original state.

If translated into an easy-to-understand official language From the point of view of the business, it would be The fact that businesses have to face many impacts from various problems no matter how heavy If the management can support to recover A masterful business is called a business at Antifragile because it is not just a resilience, but a cat with nine lives. Even when faced with the most debilitating conditions

‘ANTIFRAGILE’ in a social sense is that we try to minimize too much uncertainty. by issuing various control rules causing no real learning and to reduce errors So we see a lot of testing or problem solving just a theory that is only learned in the classroom. but never actually done it

or if looking in terms of the evolutionary system of things in the world We often see changes in the environment, something that grows with the environment. While something must be lost, it is a cycle. Something reborn and grow, something can die.

in business corner we can see from The 2008 economic crisis, many banks in the US take too much risk But because these banks There is a strong connection with the economy. causing the central government to come in and help to restore and injecting money to sustain the central bank And that puts the federal government at risk of unsustainability.

“If people with decision-making powers solve problems are people who are ready to take risks together That’s what we call solving the problem by the people who created the problem.”

People like to use models or theories to control too much and interfere with problems until they can’t be solved. There are many scholars who try to express their opinions and are not responsible for their own words in the problem. Therefore, before believing someone, we must first see if that person has a stake in the problem or not. and ask for evidence Don’t just listen to the words

Therefore, the author of ‘ANTIFRAGILE’ recommends the Barbell Strategy. If you think of weightlifting, it will be equal on both sides if we set it neutrally. If we try something, it’s wise to try one of the extremes of both extremes. But he was willing to do another job with extreme investments. And that extreme investment, if successful, might be better than a full-time job.

in terms of work No matter where we are, high, middle or lower, what we humans should have is the courage to go out and learn new things. Try to fall and get up and try something new, because life is learning.


Source: The Standard Podcast , Ichi, Antifragile book review

The post ‘ANTIFRAGILE’ The way to survive a business that must survive in a strong way. But it’s flexible in every situation. appeared first on Thumbsup.


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