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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Uncovering The British Fraudster Behind Fake Driving Licences

A British fraudster swapped one resort town in England for another in Thailand to escape being charged with issuing fake driving licences in the UK, leaving the authorities puzzled about his whereabouts for over three years.

Leon Childs, from Southend, found himself embroiled in a web of deceit when Paul Ridden, a 70 year old, allegedly confessed to peddling counterfeit driving licences for £1,500 each over a decade.

Uncovering damning evidence during a search of Ridden’s abode, investigators stumbled upon a trove of incriminating materials: a transparent folder concealed beneath a bed containing eight bogus licence applications, and a notebook cataloguing clients’ names. Among them was Childs, operating under the alias James Luck.

While Ridden admitted to his illicit activities spanning ten years, legal charges against him related specifically to actions since 2017. Found…

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