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Thursday, May 16, 2024

“Cheer” breaks up with “Hiso Big” and reveals the reason why he was the one who spoke first. I still love you but it's not the same status as before.

“Cheer” breaks up with “Hiso Big” and reveals the reason why he was the one who spoke first. I still love you but it's not the same status as before.

Opened up for the first time As for rumors of the breakup of “Cheer Thikumporn” and “Hiso Big Thanaphon Bencharongkul”, the latter admitted to ending their relationship since last October. Confirming that there is no third party, but life is like a jigsaw puzzle that doesn't fit together. Today I still love you, but it's not the same status as before.

Now I don't have a partner. decide together It was the first time we even talked about our relationship. But please allow me to correct a little bit of the news. Previously, there were rumors of feuds that were nothing.

The relationship has always been good. The cool couple is not our couple. As for the issue of unfollowers I have to say that personally, Cheer doesn't commit the status of following each other. We haven't followed him on Instagram since the beginning. But we communicate in other ways, such as Facebook. I don't know how we unfollow each other. At that time there was nothing. The relationship is still very good. There is no problem with third parties. However, today it is clear that we have ended our relationship as lovers.

It began with the two opening up to talking about the problems that each side had stored up in their hearts. What we talked about was wanting to solve the problem, not thinking of ending the relationship. A relationship that has been traveling for over 4 years, almost 5 years, must go to another step. We also need to check the health of this relationship to see if we're really okay with each other. It's really a matter of two people. that may not be a good fit It's a jigsaw puzzle that may not fit together, that's all. Thank you everyone for your concern. But there's nothing bad about using the word breakup. They still remain very good friends.

The right fit, not the right fit, I'm sure it's there for every pair. I found that there were some points where we had to overcome some inadequacy. But today, some things we choose to call adjustment. But some adjustments When it didn't really fit together It's like small points that gradually accumulate. Cheer and Big aren't a couple who quarrel with each other at all.

We don't have any obvious problems. Relationships go on and on and on, but when there are things that both of us need to focus on, we don't want to make it a burden. Take care of the other person. Sometimes he doesn't want us to be uncomfortable. Some things, when we don't talk to each other, are kept with both of us, so it's caused by something not happening. What is it really? The first person to speak was to cheer. It's an invitation to talk. And it's been solid since that day. It is a discussion and decision-making together. The answer we got was to become friends again.

We came from being friends before. This time, Cheer told him that we talked with love. That if this love cannot proceed in another way of married life It may have to come back to loving each other as friends. It's not that anyone broke up with anyone. It's like having a conversation. And it's more something we agreed on. Now we still talk. There's a lot of friendship. Cheer also told him that Today I'm cheering for him. After all, he is a person who cheers and loves. It's just that it's not in its original form.

The matter of marriage is not the main issue. This is not the issue. As for the matter of marriage, it was not Cheer's goal from the beginning. We even talked about not wanting children. If desired, we may have a limited time period for other matters. This is probably a constraint on the timeline. But we don't have this. However, today we still love him. He still loves us and wishes well for us, but we are just friends.

Today, it may be necessary to say cheers. Otherwise, people who love and wish well for both of us will be like when to get married and things like this. Like to make it clear. And don't let any questions get to him. Don't let questions come to us. Everyone, it's our decision on both sides of our family. Big's family as well

Now Cheer believes that we are both strong and we just keep it on a good path. Where we traveled together But it didn't disappear.

For now, he will stay with himself first and work with what he has, and Cheer believes that he probably has good goals in his life as well. After all, we are both at a busy age. In the business itself or in whatever you will do, there are already quite clear flags. During this time, I'm taking care of my work and taking care of myself.

We can really meet each other. We still have trips to go abroad together. We really have friendship.

Making YouTube clips actually has a double meaning. In fact, I didn't intend to do it. It's like a memory of our trip. Today it doesn't end with just a season, it doesn't end with just an EP. The journey of words that are misunderstood In real life, it really stops the journey. It's like just a record of our journey today, so it ends there. But you can still watch it all the time. I haven't closed the channel.


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