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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Mental illness help

TLDR: Brother in Thailand, suffered a stroke, long infection, heartattack, severe weight issues, recent health crisis. Appears in denial, might have bipolar disorder and an eating disorder. Considering bringing him back to Europe but facing paperwork challenges. Seeking advice on places to find suitable care in thailand.

Long version: My brother is thai, and had a stroke back in 2017. He is severely overweight. After the stroke he moved to thailand and slowly gaining more and more weight. Last week he had to go to icu due to an infected long, stroke, heartattack and also seizures. We booked the first flight and rushed to bangkok to see him. Arriving in the hospital, the first thing he says it: ‘Surprise!! These people here are all actors. It is not that big of a deal.’

Honestly, it hurts so much to see him in this state. He acts delusional, and doesnt seem to take it serious. We spoke to the doctor and he said that he might be bipolar. He got released from the hospital yesterday and we have to come back in in a few days.

Whenever we try to help him he does not seem to want help. He is so nonchalant about it, like in a denial phase. My parents and his work tried to make him go to the doctor and diëtist. However he goes for the first week and eventually doesn’t go anymore. He always says that he is gonna loose weight, but doesn’t get any help. I believe one of the main reasons he moved was to look after grandma, but she died in 2019. His colleagues said that ever since that happened it has gotten worse. Apparently he has been going to pattaya every weekend and spending all his money there.

I believe he needs to get therapy. He for sure has a eating disorder (almost 200kg). He also told me a few concerning things. And tbh, growing up I had a really rough childhood e.i being put in asylum. He for sure didn’t had it easy either. We want him to move back home (to europe with us). But we have to sign alot of papers e.i. Signing him back into the country, health insurance etc. Etc. It might take a while for us to organise him and also for us getting the right help, as our pshychiatrist have long waiting times

Are there any good places to look after him? As he cant really look after himself in his mental and physical state

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