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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Buddhist Ordination in Thailand: The Journey into Monkhood

Temporary ordination, or novice ordination, is believed to bring merit not only to the man himself but also to his family. This practice is considered a source of great merit and is often seen as a way for individuals to earn spiritual and karmic credit that can benefit not only themselves but also their parents and ancestors.

This belief in the merit associated with ordination and the positive impact it has on the family is an integral part of the cultural and religious significance of this practice in Thailand. It reinforces the close connection between Buddhism, family, and the broader community in Thai society.

Families typically take great pride in supporting their sons’ decision to become novices or temporary monks before marriage, as it is seen as an act of devotion to Buddhist teachings and reflects positively on the family, fostering pride among the local community.


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