37.4 C
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Right set-up is easy to achieve

There is no reason why any of us — tall, short, fat or thin — should not be able to get set up correctly.

The right stance or posture position is actually simple to achieve.

Lay a club down on the ground, pointing at the hole, and put your toes against it.

Now put the ball opposite your left foot with your left arm and the club in a straight line, as they will be, or should be, when you actually hit the ball.

Your arm and the club will now be at right angles to the club on the ground, pointing to the hole against which you have lined up your toes.

If they are not you have got the ball (as almost everyone has) too far back.

We now come to the critical point, the ‘make or break’ of the entire set-up.

Your right arm is not long enough. It won’t reach. How are you going to get it on the club?

Unfortunately, we do as nature tells us is the easiest way.

We reach over…

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