30.5 C
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Are there any Mosquito/Midge killing devices that work?

Live in a small condo and get the occasional mosquito but lots of the smaller biting midges (blackfly/sandfly?). We have a racket that kills them when we can see them but I’m looking at the purple light devices all over Lazada. Some use a fan to trap and dry out the flying insects while the rest just vaporize them with a high voltage mesh after attracting them with the purple light.

[fan killer](https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sht-led-i2506773229-s8873571396.html)

[zap killer](https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kudixiong-led-i4411706616-s17604383704.html?)

Do any do these devices actually work? Are the fan ones better than the zapper ones?


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