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Monday, May 13, 2024

Multiple entry tourist visa question


After reading through many posts here and on the web, I decided that it might be worth it to ask for a multi-entry tourist visa which is supposed to last 6 months. I applied for an e-Visa in NYC Consulate and on the next day I received the visa. The visa indicates that this is a Multiple entry visa, but the length of stay in Thailand indicates only 60 days, as if it was a regular tourist visa.

Do you know why that may be the case? Does the 60 days indicate the total number of days I can spend in Thailand on this visa, or the number of days per one entry? Why does it not show the date range in which this multi-entry visa is valid? Or does the 6 months countdown starts when I enter the kingdom? It shows however “Visa must be used by 12th of November”, not sure if this means that the visa is valid until 12th of November, this wording is confusing.


Thank you for any inputs.

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