33.2 C
Monday, May 13, 2024

Would you report someone for an immigration violation?

Hypothetically, if you knew someone who was overstaying on their visa, working without a work permit, entered illegally, using their visa for purposes other than its intended use (like using a tourist visa to study), or any other violations, would you report them to immigration?


Edit: Sorry, I thought you had to have a student or education visa to study in Thailand. People are saying you can study with a tourist visa. Thanks for the clarification.

Edit 2: Thanks for those who contributed to the discussion in a meaningful way and actually contributed your thoughts on the question posed. For those who started assuming I was out for some kind of revenge and started directing your responses at me, I’m not out for revenge but that’s also fine. You’re free to think what you’d want, if anything, they were entertaining to read. If I were really out for revenge, I wouldn’t be here asking for any of your validation first, I’d just do it. I’m here for discussion, not advice, and this isn’t personal, so stop taking it personally.

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