32.7 C
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How to extract coffee oil for “Dirty coffee”

Hello, I am trying to understand how to properly extract the coffee oils to make a dirty coffee. The oil drops are clearly visible and floating on top of the milk.
I use linea mini with Niche grinder, and here is what I was told by different baristas so far:

– Use finer grind size than fire usual espresso
– Use larger dose: I put 20 instead of the usual 18g
– Use bottomless portafilter instead of spout. I don’t have bottomless.
– Reduce the pressure to 6 bars instead of 9bars. Cannot do that easily with linea mini
– Use Dark roast, not Medium.

Are these right and is there something else missing ?

My dirty is not bad, but I do not get the same burn smell like in coffee shops.

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