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Monday, May 13, 2024

Possible fatal accident in panwa? Question about accidents in Thailand

We were driving on the road towards crown plaza in a grab and there were about 15 cars pulled over and a big crowd around 2 people on the road.

The moped didn’t seem badly damaged and it there weren’t any apparent injuries that I saw but the 2 people on the ground were laying motionless.

One thing that stood out to me was that everyone (20+ people) seemed very calm and i didn’t notice anyone visibly upset. ( I could have missed it as we were just passing in a grab )

My girlfriend isn’t taking it very well so I had some questions about minor accidents and accidents in general in Thailand.

I know in some other countries accidents are taken very seriously and whoever is at fault is on the hook for a lot of money. I guess I’m just hoping it’s the same case here and it’s common for people to exaggerate injuries for financial gain.

Perhaps the people looked calm because accidents are common here and they have learned not to panic? I don’t know I’m just really hoping the people are okay and as bad as it is, that they were just exaggerating for insurance purposes.

Hate to see things like this and wish people were more cautious on the roads. I’ve spent a lot of time in Vietnam and I thought that was crazy driving, but over here it somehow feels way more dangerous.

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