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Monday, April 29, 2024

What powers does the King of a Thailand possess??

I know that Thailand is officially a constitutional monarchy and that the monarchy doesn’t hold any real, legitimate powers in the governance of Thailand. I’m also aware that the king (if especially revered) can hold a lot of influence and sway over the public, like how many Thais respected and revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej (IIRC during a coup attempt in the 90s’, he stopped a bloody coup from happening by making both the opposition leader and then-current PM/general show up at the palace where they both kneeled in the presence of the king).

But what other official and unofficial powers does the king have? What would happen if in the future, a king wanted to take action in governing his country? How does the monarchy interact with the government and military? How much power does the monarchy actually hold?

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