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Friday, May 10, 2024

Daydreaming about Thailand 🥲

I’ve been wanting to go for some time now. Not just to visit but to live there. Going to Vietnam , Philippines Indonesia. But I’m still working on building an income so I don’t have to rely on a day job. I don’t have a bachelor’s degree so getting a good paying teaching job is unlikely. I’m doing what I can learning different high income skills. I just want to buy a visa then look for a place to stay then officially make the move. Still got a while to go. I’d love to move this year but that all depends on if I can get a stream ( or 2) of income coming in. Sorry for the rant. If anyone knows anything that can help me speed up the process anything I can do to make a decent amount of money without slaving away at a low paying job. Let me know! 😁🙏🏿

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