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Friday, May 17, 2024

Visa for Thai friend coming to US.

Has anybody successfully got a tourist visa to come to the United States from Thailand. I have a friend in Thailand, who would like to come and visit here, but from what we have always found is, it seems to be nearly impossible, unless you get a marriage, visa, or a visa with the intent of getting married. That’s not on the table because this is just a friend who would like to come here and visit for a month.

Does anybody have any experience with getting a legitimate tourist visa to come and visit, or is there any reputable visa companies in Bangkok or Samut Sakhon that my friend could visit to help assist them with getting a visa to come here.

I have no problem sponsoring the visa on my end, but I don’t want them to come here on the false pretense of getting married while here, or want to do anything that could cause problems for future visas/visits I would imagine.

Thank you 🙏

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