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Thursday, May 2, 2024

15 Digital Nomad Visas with No Tax [2023]

One of the biggest concerns when applying for a digital nomad visa is the tax implication that comes with it. Fortunately, there are a handful of digital nomad visas with no tax liability for remote workers! 

Taxes and digital nomads don’t necessarily mix well. 

Since the general rule of thumb is that if you spend 183 days or more in a country, you become a tax resident, digital nomads often get confused as to where they owe taxes because they move around so often. Many only stay in one area for three months at a time! 

One way to bypass the tax problem for digital nomads is to apply for digital nomad visas with no tax liability. Digital nomads holding these digital nomad visas with no tax can save hundreds – maybe even thousands – of dollars a year on their taxes. 

Now, since taxes are one of the most complicated bureaucratic things in the world, Nomads Embassy highly…

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