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Monday, April 29, 2024

Cut nails grow and pick out meat. “Millet”, the heir of Grandpa Lai Taeng, Mae Duj, uses a mixture of doping-absorbent so that the sedation is not deep.

From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, November 18, 2022, the veterinarians and staff of the Bueng Chawak Wildlife Management Development Center and a non-hunting area in Bueng Chawak Anesthetized a male tiger named Khao Fang, 15 years old, the heir of Grandpa Lai Taeng, Mae Duj, to cut the abnormal nails. and conduct a health check By shooting anesthesia mixed with absorbent, amount 1 needle (when using novocaine and absorbing drugs together The veterinarian considered giving the drug a low dose. Because the animal is old) to trim the toenails. toe wound Ingrown toenails (ingrown toenails)

without the animal being deeply asphyxiated due to the concern of respiratory depression Therefore use small rubber wheels. Place a slight pressure on the head area. but not across the neck for the safety of the officers make a disinfectant injection A 14-day intravenous action, an injection of pain relievers, and an injection of B-complex vitamins and ecilium. Let the water substance enter the body under the skin. and injecting anesthesia into the blood vessels and musculoskeletal The animal recovered well. no malfunction


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