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4 steps to reconcile with your ex

In the past, we always recommend move on To the next love, but I have to admit There are still some people who still want to reconcile with their ex. or still have love for each other still feel that it can go on Today we have 4 steps for you to reconcile with your ex.

4 steps to reconcile with your ex

In this step, the referees conducted a preliminary survey and research and used the method recommended by 66 percent of the participants and summarized it again in four steps:

Set the scene, choose a location.

The first step is to invite your ex or the person you want to reconcile to the place. that they want to go have memories together It should be a fun, romantic place. The principle is that it feels good and the conversation flows smoothly.


2. Create a good time

the place is correct Saying the right thing is what we will do next. The main goal is to remember the good times. that had been together Thank you in the past showing how special the past time was Let him remember the good times


3. Submit an offer

have a good time the situation looks good The next step is the hard part. on the basis of reconciliation You need to briefly discuss why the relationship ended. This will help build empathy. But don’t go back too long. Then let us sincerely apologize. say we can improve something What can be fixed in the missing part? to believe that everything will be better


4. Show sincerity

When I told you what I wanted to say It’s time to show your sincerity. Please come back to live together. show our goal show as much sincerity as possible

Of course, reconciliation is not always successful or applicable to every couple. Because love must come from both of them. If one has lost his mind, it is difficult to return. The most important thing is care. They’ve been together since they were still in a relationship. Believe me, nothing hurts like a love that has to end.

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