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Sunday, May 12, 2024

145 million-year-old fossils reveal new dinosaur species in Thailand

Fossilized bones have been identified as a new species of dinosaur that existed between 145 million and 200 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. 

Minimocursor phunoiensis is the name of this new ancient plant-eating dinosaur species grazing on Southeast Asia’s grasslands. 

The first half of this scientific name is made up of two Latin words: minimus, which means “smallest,” and cursor, which means “runner.” 

The fossil examination is led by paleontologists from the Mahasarakham University in Thailand

Most well-preserved dinosaur fossil 

In 2012, the bones were discovered in the Phu Kradung Formation in northern Thailand. It took years, however, to identify that the remains belonged to a new Jurassic-age species. 

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