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Friday, May 3, 2024

10 Interesting Creative Technology Trends of 2022 • Thumbsup

In an era where people have not stopped creativity That’s why our work and life style continues to change relentlessly, whether in the next 5 or 10 years, we humans still have new ideas. to create innovation Living life and changing old things to new things

Scott Belsky, Chief Product Officer and Executive Vice President, Adobe​ creative cloud He presented an interesting vision of the near future of technology, covering various perspectives. that will occur and affect the daily life of people and brands in an interesting number of 10

People often set “Favorites” or “Favorites” to make them easier to find or re-use. Even with the exploration of new things to find more preferences But we are always happy that the AI ​​systems and algorithms of various social platforms. Pick something interesting for us. to open up new experiences and discover new things substitute for the old

Such as finding new fun clips on TikTok, reccommend Google searches, or showing new updated playlists on YouTube.

  • The new generation will have many roles. causing the organization to change

The new generation who enters the world of work will choose a variety of careers. Also known as “Polygamous Careers,” the desire to earn and fulfill lives through multitasking. It will help attract employees to stay with the organization longer.

It also improves workplace efficiency, so companies can recruit hard-to-reach top talent. in each person’s career Thus, each person’s portfolio may have new abilities. on many sides

Unlike “Tune-Out Jobs” (which We only pay attention to the time in and out of the work) and our world will evolve through the people who are actively engaged in the work.

  • Immersive growth will make 3D work into the mainstream.

“Metaverse” makes gaming contact with friends and collaborate with colleagues in a virtual world in real time. This trend is sure to happen. And everyone will get involved, just like they did with mobile phones. However, this experience will be boring and unpopular. Without engaging and personalized 3D interactive content? including immersive media

But the problem is that 3D content is difficult to create. In the past, creating 3D objects required complex modeling programs. and a lot of mathematical calculations Then you will have to use other programs. Many other programs for illustration and rendering We have now learned that most designers prefer to start with a stock 3D object instead of having to create it from scratch, and that stock 3D objects must be able to configure parameters. Easy to manage for creative work. without complications

Then make further adjustments in the desktop program to make it look more realistic. We will all be able to create in 3D as soon as the immersive experience becomes widespread.

  • “Stakeholder Economy” will drive emerging brands affecting Internet giants​

Today, brands are defined by people’s content creation. This is different from using creative agency services and buying ads. And today, brands are able to deliver a good and fresh image by relying on the latest content.

If your favorite brand or company can let you own it. The benefits of joint ownership in a small company can be detrimental to larger companies if the stakeholders All stakeholders in such businesses are motivated to help build, improve, market and support the brand. It will surely help create a competitive advantage. and in the end A business that relies on the participation of people in the community “many-to-many” is likely to be more successful in marketing than a “many-to-many” business. “one-to-many”

  • Get more ads with a personalized experience

AI will personalize the accessibility of ads. Personalization makes viewing ads more popular. However, “personalized experiences” will enable new forms of advertising. And for the most part, we like this kind of experience better.

  • A service that “empowers the people” against the powerful.

growth of consumer products or business models that cause conflicts of interest will be more interesting All of these services aim to increase the bargaining power of the people. Instead of having to wait for services in a system that is beyond the control of the people. In addition to helping people, such products It also provides opportunities for government agencies and large corporations to play their roles and act responsibly.

  • Organizations will transform into Immersive Experience, supporting multi-player.

What people rarely talk about is that Cost and Disadvantages of a Multiplayer System (Multi-player) Whether the app is less efficient when it supports more collaboration. Or a consensus-based protocol on the blockchain, the younger generation has shifted attitudes about its benefits and drawbacks, meaning they prefer to work together. Although there were problems and delays. compared to working alone but do it faster

  • The new generation prefers a more independent lifestyle and work (Nomad).

Young people choose to live in rented homes or switch places around the world, working remotely. and immerse yourself in the culture in the community that live more such experience will change their lives and stimulate creativity open acceptance of diversity And self-discovery can have a positive effect on personal and professional lives. What types of products or networks can make it easier and less costly for everyone to access such experiences? Of course, any organization that shifts towards this direction will be successful in the future.

  • reverse franchising model and “Eduployment” will drive growth

The concept of “Eduployment” will be the key to unlocking millions of jobs in the years to come. Eduployment is the in-depth integration of business, education and job hunting or starting a new company. In which modern franchising companies will focus on teaching experiences or developing people’s capabilities to have more opportunities and options.

  • An era of diversified identities, we discover, accept and express diverse identities.

The latest era of social networks Accept or at least support pseudonyms, but in the next generation, social networks It will be updated to reflect the fact that every user has multiple identities. Of course, our human nature does not want to be limited or classified by a single identity defined by others around us.

Although we have the imagination and desire to be someone in many different environments. which is different from what others say we are But there are obstacles and friction. Geographical and environmental limitations (hometown, appearance the people you meet) that are too rigidly defined. And it will take a lot of courage, determination and challenge to break out of this framework.


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