35.3 C
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Intentionally setting a fire to chase away the snake, it suddenly burned almost the whole house!!!

Picture credit from AP)

Intentionally setting a fire to chase away the snake, it suddenly burned almost the whole house!!!

we’re just “Fear of snakes” afraid there, afraid there

actually “our heart”This is the scariest!!!

because he was afraid of snakes until he lost consciousness

made the owner of a house in Poolsville, Maryland, USA

Become a person who “burns down the house” himself, in front of his eyes!!!

The news quoted Montgomery County fire officials as saying. This event has occurred since

On November 23, when the officers were notified at 4:00 p.m. that

A fire broke out in a house.

When about 75 firefighters arrived at the scene

help put out the fire But almost the entire house was damaged.

The damage is estimated at $1,000,000, or about 33,890,000 baht!!!

Fire police spokesman Pete Piringer said the homeowner

intend “Light the fire”Hunting snakes found in the house but the fire has spread because the owner of the house

Place coal near flammable materials.

at all “lost the house”It’s amazingly easy to go like this!!!


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