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The fire of the Din Daeng flats, the masses, rescues, firefighters gathered to help each other until the event was calm.

Thairath Online

1 Oct. 2021 12:37 a.m.

A fire erupted at Flat 1 Din Daeng, a room on the 3rd floor. The masses, rescuers, and firefighters gathered to help extinguish the event until the incident was calm.

At 00.01 a.m. on October 1, 2021, several explosions sounded like explosions. And later, a fire broke out from a room on the 3rd floor of the Din Daeng 1 flat and spread quickly. It is still unable to conclude that the fire was caused by any cause. while the next room When he knew, he tried to bring water to help splash it out. The crowd shouted and tried to help. At 12:06 a.m., rescuers arrived on the scene. The public came to help the owner of the room and nearby rooms to come out for safety.

At 12:11 a.m., the fire subsided after rescuers used fire extinguishers to help spray out both the room and the room. It is stated to be careful because the room has gas.

At 12:15 a.m., a fire truck arrived at the scene and immediately took action. which the fire came back to burn more and soon the fire was under control. In the process of venting the smoke, then at 00.20 am the officers brought the gas tank out of the room already. After this, there will be an investigation and investigation again as to what caused the fire.

At 12:40 a.m., people were still closely monitoring the situation in front of the Din Daeng flat and nearby areas.

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