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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Is the buffalo sick?

I need some advice on Thai culture and expectations. I’m an American living in Thailand and have been married to a Thai woman for five months. I’m happy to pay all the expenses, including her credit cards from years ago. I expected this, but I didn’t expect her recent ask… My wife’s sister was in the hospital shortly and now my wife is asking me for a substantial… At least for me… amount of money to help the sister and also assist her mom. My wife is feeling bad that she is apparently considered the selfish daughter because her brothers and sisters have been helping the mom financially and she has not. I’m being told I am just loaning the money to her sister/mom, but my past experience loaning money is bad…high chance I’ll never see that money again. Example…I’ve loaned to my immediate family before and even my ex-wife and it was always a mistake. I’m skeptical about a contract, because it would need to be translated to English, and I imagine enforcement of the contract is difficult. Even in America, I had a contract with my ex-wife, and the judge just threw it out. It ruined me financially… I’m in debt now because of it, and will probably be, until I die, so not only am I very concerned about loaning money, given my history, but I’m not in a financial position to do it. However, the message from my wife is as if it’s an expectation, and maybe even a requirement. I’d appreciate some perspective from those knowledgeable about the culture and with some experience. Is this a “My buffalo is sick” situation, or is this to be expected? Any suggestions on how to proceed…legally, me setting some expectations with her/her family, etc? Thanks for all helpful insights!

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