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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sending Baht From USA to Family in Bangkok in Envelope

I visited Thailand this past October and spent 3 days in Bangkok with my aunt and her family whom I’ve never met before. Then flew to southern Thailand to island hop for a 4 days before flying to Laos for the last week of my vocation. Plan was to fly back to Bangkok from Vientiane Laos and visit my aunt for a bit because I had 12 hrs to kill before flying back to the US. Missed my flight from Laos and when I rebooked and finally made it back to Bangkok, I decided to just stay at the airport so as to not miss my flight home. My question is, I still have 8k Baht that I was planning to give to my aunt but never got the chance. What are the chances if I just throw them into an envelope and mail it to her, that the money actually makes it to her? Thanks.

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