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Saturday, May 18, 2024

I cant get over my Bangkok trip

Im lucky to have a chance to go to my idol’s concert back in June, but I am so surprised that maybe I miss my time in Bangkok even more than my time at the concert. This sounds kinda weird until I’ve seen a Tiktok video of someone who just has the same feeling as me!

Actually, the culture, the scenery, etc. of Bangkok is pretty similar to my country, but I don’t know why this city makes me to be in a remembrance mood for a long time. Sooooo, I really want to live in Bangkok for a period of time and I am trying to figure out how, maybe a Graduate Program or a job opportunity :(

I hope I can have some advices on planning to live in Bangkok from the ones who used to be in the same situation as me :>>

And I will definitely visit Bangkok again this year \^x\^ tks for reading

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