32.5 C
Monday, May 13, 2024

Question for those who sleep on kapok mattresses

Hello r/Thailand! I’m contemplating the switch from a regular bed to kapok so I’m looking for a bit of advice from others who sleep this way. I was not sure which subreddit to ask so I figured this would be the best one. Hope this is okay and not out of place.

I am used to sleeping on harder mattresses and floor beds so I think that comfort is not going to be a big issue. My question is: how do I keep it clean and free of hair/fur/etc especially if the mattresses will be in a carpeted room? How do I store the bed when not in use? I did plan to use a plain sheet over the top but the bottom side of the mattress will be exposed to the carpeted floor. I have kids and long hair and I don’t fancy the idea of getting hair and dust on the mattress and not being able to clean it.

I’m in the UK if it helps.



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