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finbiz by ttb reveals SME tips • Thumbsup

Nowadays, entrepreneurs face a variety of challenges. And one thing to face is Keeping talented people to work with for a long time or attracting talented people to work with Of course, talented employees want to work with organizations that are “Stable work,” which in the past meant Working with government agencies, state enterprises, banks or multinational private companies companies with large investments

But nowadays, there are many medium-sized companies, small-sized companies, or even Start-up companies with less than 50 employees. So, how can these companies make the talented people feel like a stable organization? want to join

finbiz by ttb has proposed ideas and tips for SMEs to lead to a stable organization. Responding to Talented People Attract them to want to join the event and stay for a long time, which SMEs can do no more than their abilities. in order to overcome this challenge

What is security today?

What people in modern times look at is that longevity is not equal to stability. or attract anymore but stability Build credibility and attraction in the view of today’s people. It consists of the following factors:

  1. An organization that can handle different situations and can support employees to adapt quickly. To reduce unexpected or sudden events such as resignation or dismissal
  2. There is a 360-degree communication in the organization from executives to employees. and from employees to management by listening and try to understand in a variety of channels
  3. Can make employees see their own career path or future growth in the organization.
  4. Organizations where employees feel that they are well developed able to bring out the true potential of employees
  5. The organization can provide a salary that is suitable for knowledge and ability. including welfare Providing various health care services and taking care of employees as required by the labor law.

From all 5 items, it was found that the dimension of stability has shifted away from the stability of the organization To create confidence in the lives of employees. which is the whole thing “Employees want” and the organization benefits as well. And when the aforementioned questions can be answered, there will be “talented personnel Have creativity that is willing to give their heart and brain to develop, create results, sales, and create a good image for the organization “even though the organization is not very large.

SMEs are stable because employees are confident.

To be an organization that employees trust and work together with confidence not as difficult as you think

  1. Always keep communicating with employees, such as periodic earnings announcements. for employees to understand the situation if the performance is good Employees will be encouraged. or if the performance is not as expected must be able to tell the cause Employees will understand and be prepared to deal with various situations
  2. Give employees the opportunity to express their opinions. There is a way to express ideas. This will help create a sense of being an important part of the organization. Build a bond between employees and the organization. create a sense of ownership of the organization together It is also an opportunity to get ideas for organizational development.
  3. Organize skills training for employees In addition to helping develop skills staff’s thoughts Can also be deducted as an expense for tax benefits as well
  4. Comply with labor laws Including looking for help to develop good welfare for employees such as group insurance, provident fund, etc.
  5. Being an SME with good welfare, stability, and confidence for both the organization and its employees. But when it comes to good welfare for most SMEs, it’s not easy. Often there must be at least 50 employees in order to have a chance to negotiate. To get welfare such as group insurance or establishing a good provident fund for employees

However, there are products to help create SME have good welfare which is beneficial to allwork and the organization itself.

group insurance Group Insurance

Currently, there are products to supportFor organizations with only initial employees 5 people and can also pay premiums in splitscan also be paid on a monthly basis

benefits for employees

  • reduce anxiety for employees when sick
  • able to be treated at the hospital and clinic without advance payment
  • have more engagement with the organization feel taken care of
  • Proud to be with an organization that meets standards

Benefits for the organization

  • The organization can control expenses well.
  • Build employee engagement Reduce turnover rate
  • promote the image of the organization
  • Can be used to reduce tax deductions.

provident fund Provident Fund

Starting from only 2 people can set up a fund. and no minimum amount is required.remitted to the fund Also free of charge for setting upfund

benefits for employees

  • receive contributions from the employer
  • Having money saved up for use after retirement
  • The accumulated money can be used for tax deduction.
  • Professional fund management

Benefits for the organization

  • Reduce turnover rate
  • Promote the image of the organization in terms of security
  • promote the image of caring for employees
  • Professional fund management
  • Can be used to reduce tax deductions.

Finding good help will help. SME can beorganization that builds confidenceConfidence in life Attracting talented employees is no longer difficult by TMB Thanachart or TTB. ttb payroll plus that although the company does not havea lot of work can use the service for bothCan manage salary effectivelyEfficiency, able to take care of employee welfareThe organization is fully integrated and cost savings as well. See more details at https://www.ttbbank.com/th/sme/sme-digital-banking-and-other-services/sme-payroll/ttb-payroll-plus


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