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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Is it common for Thai bank to call company for credit card application?

I applied for a credit card at UOB bank but got rejected because they claimed that my company didn’t confirm my salary to them.

(At first they rejected because they couldn’t call my company, after I complained them, they tried to call again and was picked up)

Despite meeting all the requirements, including having a salary of over 50,000 THB, a work permit, a non-B visa, an employment and salary confirmation letter from my company, and having lived in Thailand for 4 years, UOB said they couldn’t approve my application as my company didn’t confirm my salary when they called.

When I asked which person and phone number they called so I could ask for confirmation, they said they couldn’t disclose that information due to confidentiality reasons.

My HR department also wouldn’t confirm my salary to a random phone number claiming to be from the bank, for confidentiality reasons.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

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