30.6 C
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Edible Shrubs and Short Fruit Trees for Home Garden in Hot Climate

What would you recommend to plant as drought / hear resistant yet edible shrubs and short fruit trees in Thailand ?

As you know, Thailand (specifically central Thailand) has raining season from ~ June to October, all other months are relatively dry, with ~ February to June scorching hot.

Many edible plants can survive without much care during the raining season, but they will die of neglect outside raining season.

I would like some recommendations of edible shrubs/small plants that don’t require require regular watering outside raining season.

Example plants are : acelora (Chery wan), guava (farang), papaya (malako), Acacia pennata
(cha-om), holy basil (kaprow), various citrus trees (som), Melientha suavis Pierre (Pak wan pa), banana (kluay)

Can you recommend some other plants ?

Plants like eggplants, tomato, chili, various leafy greens will die easily if you don’t water them enough

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