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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Am I the only one who thought that younger generation of Thai’s (Gen Y, Gen Z) are becoming less friendly towards foreigners ?

It’s what stuck in my mind after the trip to Thailand with my coworker, Overall it’s good experience I had there. But what I mostly remarkable is that I’ve been looked with the strange eyes from the youngsters there, like they’re looking at me with spiteful eyes and whispering in Thai like discussing about something disgusting (like I heard that they’re grunting like when you see something yucky)

So I would like to kindly ask y’all about who I have been met are just individuals who have bad attitudes towards tourists or there’s any currently ongoing phenomenon in Thailand that’s making the younger natives attitude towards tourists/foreigners getting worse? Is this phenomena caused by the influx of retarded tourists or something?

P.S, sorry for my grammar, English isn’t my native language there.

Edit: pardon me, I didn’t meant to be xenophobic towards Thai people in general

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