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Saturday, April 27, 2024

[Need Help] Recommendation for hospital/clinic in Bangkok which has good depression or mental health issues treatment

Hi everyone, i hope you are all in well condition. My girlfriend has been suffering from depression for quite some time now. She’s actually been consuming a lot of anti-depressant pills (for more than a year from one of the clinic in Bangkok), and yes these pills successfully make her stable but at the same time she becomes emotionless, having low energy, she could literally sleep all day (on avg she wakes up at lunch time but sleep again afterwards)

The current doctor doesnt give any solution and keep insisting her to consume the pills (not cheap, 20k THB monthly)

Honestly i dont want her to keep taking these pills, it really turns her into a zombie.

I really hope any of you all have recommendation on hospital/clinic that can help us? Or if you personally have the same experience, you could also share how you deal with it (of course if you are fine with it)

Thank you so much in advance!

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