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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Would like to know more about Thai BBQ

Sawasdee kha,

some days ago we were in Ayutthaya an enjoyed our first Thai BBQ. Not sure if this is the correct name for it but it was a stove filled with charcoal and a round plate with a ring filled with liquid and a area to fry meat in the middle was on top of the stove.

Different kind of natural and marinaded meat, fish, tofu was arranged as a buffet, but also , vegetables, sauces, eggs, and some other things which one can fry and cook himself on the plate.

We decidet to buy a electric and a gas driven version to bring this as souveniers at home and to invite our friends and family to enjoy this delicious meal with us. But we also want to know a bit more about this way of cooking and would kindly ask you the following questions to better understand it.

When we searched for the equipment we have seen different descriptions like “Thai BBQ” or “Korean BBQ” and also a lot of other descriptions in english and thai we dont understand. We believe that most are just to get more search hits. So, whats the correct term for this kind of cooking?

Where are the origins? Does it come from Thailand or is it widespread in asian countries?

It is compareable with europes fondue and/or raclette. There are a lot of different styles of fondue and raclette in europe, depending in which country and even province you are. Is it the same with this Thai BBQ? And if so, can you explain the differences and where it is typical done like you describe it?

Can you give us some recipies? Or could you leave some links for cooking websites? For example, there were a lot of vegetables at the buffet in Ayutthaya we were unable to identify. Same problem with some kind of fish. The kind of meat was not the problem, but the marinades for meat and fish. The were also some meat- and fishballs. We are also not sure if the liquid in the ring was only natural water or a light stock.


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