34.3 C
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

People that moved here from a cool climate, how long did it take you to acclimate to Thailand’s climate? What temps do you set your aircon to during the day, and at night?

I’ve been here for about 2 months and just now getting to the point where I can tolerate it being 26 C inside my condo during the day (by using a fan), but I still need it to be at least 22 C or lower at night to sleep. The aircon here works great but I’m trying to use it less just because it feels wasteful to have it on all the time. I’ve also found that it helps to take a shower every time I get home from being outside.

The other night I tried to hang out in the building’s library and common area and I couldn’t believe how warm it was in there, it felt like 28 C or more. Maybe that’s why nobody was in there.

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