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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

How well known is Yamada Nagamasa?

Based on what little research I did, Yamada Nagamasa was a Japanese adventurer and later the leader of Ban Yipun. Yamada also became a trusted and influential lord in the court of King Ekkathosarot and King Songtham but when Phrasat Thong initiated a coup to gain the throne, he was moved away from Ayutthaya and became the governor of Nakhon Si Thammarat. Yamada later led a rebellion against Phrasat Thong and was killed in the process.

How well known is he in modern Thai history? I’m assuming he’s pretty recognizable today seeing as they made a Muay Thai movie about him a while back. Also, how did he manage to rise through the ranks of Ayutthaya nobility so quickly despite him having been born in Japan and only coming to Ayutthaya in his 20s’?

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