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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

All aboard the sushi terror train

A new terror, more scary than even the mighty Godzilla, has struck Tokyo: the sushi terror train. In sushiten across the city, petrified diners clutch their chopsticks with fingers stiffened in fear. Something’s fishy in the nigiri.

Today’s Guardian tells how Japan’s signature cuisine is at the centre of a police investigation after customers at sushi-train restaurants posted video clips of themselves interfering with food and playing pranks on other customers.

The sushi terror train incidents have sent blood pressure rising and shares plummeting in a leading kaitenzushi chain and prompted operators to rethink how they serve their dishes.

Several acts of what is being called “sushi terrorism” have emerged on Twitter and other social media in recent days, although some apparently date back weeks, and even years.

A clip of the most egregious culinary crime, which has been…

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