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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Songtaews of Soi Buakhao

Image courtesy of The Pattaya News


So there I was, on my way to take the missus to work, getting ready to turn onto Soi Buakhao when I end up having to sit for a minute while 4 baht buses try to meander their way through the tight opening that is left when the first one decides to park on the side of the road to wait for customers.

It is not uncommon to be stuck behind a line of baht buses that have all the free road in the world available in front of them. Each of them driving slow and honking and beeping at the same customers trying to get them to come aboard their particular bus instead of their competitor’s.

While I was stuck behind them, I started counting. 1…2…3…4…38! 38 baht buses that I either passed, was stuck behind or saw coming the other way. That does not count the line that I am sure crept up my backside while I…

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