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Russia sends divers Crimean bridge damage inspected


Russia sends divers Crimean bridge damage inspected

Russia has sent divers to inspect the damage of two bridges for cars and trains crossing to the Crimea. After a violent explosion on October 8 last. Fascinated by the visual image Some bridges collapsed into the sea.

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia said The diver will start working in the morning. It will be surveyed in detail above the water level. And the divers are expected to complete the mission within a day.

The Russian Transport Ministry said Freight trains and long-distance passenger trains have crossed the Crimea bridge as originally scheduled for October 9, while vehicle traffic on the bridge remains limited. It was reactivated about 10 hours after the explosion.

The Crimean governor of Russia said The situation remains in a manageable state. even satisfying But it’s not life-threatening. Of course, the events caused people’s emotions. and has a desire to take revenge He stressed that Crimea still has enough fuel for a month and enough food for two months.


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