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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The three needed ingredients for success

When I start teaching any junior golfer, I tell them that their golf club doesn’t know whose hands are holding it, as does the ball have any idea of who’s sending it on its way.

I’m trying to install in them that there is absolutely no limit to how good they could become.

I also tell them that to consistently produce good scores there are three ingredients in the recipe required in becoming a top player.

Technical, mental and physical abilities are essential and failure to have one of these three important requirements will hinder anyone reaching their full golfing potential.

Let’s use Tiger Woods as an example.

His physical situation is not helping him come in off the 18th with a good competitive score. Nobody doubts his mental strength or technical ability, but the third ingredient is missing.

To be able to stand on the first tee knowing that you are very strong…

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