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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Top 5 Trends on Youtube

The popular video platform, YouTube, continues to be a channel that the younger generation is more interested in and spends more time with interesting content than any other channel. If someone says that the viewing behavior of short video clips on a platform can’t last more than 30 seconds, YouTube is the only platform that people are interested in watching more than 30 minutes in a row, so it’s not uncommon for us to see total views. All year from users around the world for more than 4,000 hours already. The better your content, the better. Increasing the chances of re-watching more and more.

Thumbsup team would like to introduce 5 popular content making trends on YouTube.

trending content with a sequel

content creation with ‘Sequel’ for viewers to follow continuously It is becoming one of the trends that are constantly growing in popularity. Because viewers will feel attached to content that makes them feel familiar with it.

trend lifestyle

Making livestream content This allows us to connect with our audience in real time. This allows people to exchange and discuss events. and create a feeling of wanting to participate immediately But the livestream Unexpected things may happen as well. The youtubers must be prepared to deal with it well.

Streaming game trends

Currently, game content has been very popular According to the statistics of content viewing in the first half of 2021, it is found that more than 800 billion video game content has been viewed on YouTube, thus reflecting the trend of streaming is coming. strong as well


Even though podcast-type content has been with us for a while, until the current begins to fade Maybe because content creators feel the feedback from sponsors or listeners. Not as much as content that tells a story with pictures, short clips or written, but in the future there is a chance that people will pay more attention to audio content. And they want to experience the style. multi-sensory or listen and watch in more formats Well, you may need to set up your camera and take good clips and sound quality. Broadcast both clips and audio via Youtube at the same time so that the listeners feel which channel they will listen to. Any form when needed That’s why the YouTube podcast listening trend is rapidly growing in popularity these days.


Although people liked the content that was broadcast quickly. short and easy to understand Through jokes or general everyday stories, Youtube’s Shorts system will allow creators to create clips that are no longer than 1 minute. Some creators can create clips that are only 30 seconds long, which can attract people to access content. They had already gained a large number of them. So what brands or creators should do is The behavior must be understood and easily accessible to the audience first. Even if it attracts viewers to follow and come back to watch often.


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