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Friday, May 3, 2024

Work-from-home workers surveyed more than 90 minutes/day of ‘cumulative sitting’ hours, at risk of various diseases

Work-from-home workers surveyed more than 90 minutes/day of ‘cumulative sitting’ hours, at risk of various diseases

whether “Work From Home” or work at “office” Problems sitting for a long time until the accumulated hours are more than 90 minutes or 1 and a half hours without getting up and walking It is counted as one of “Risk Factors” to many diseases that will follow It is considered one of the sedentary behaviors.

which the Thailand Physical Activity Knowledge Development Center (TPAK) click gave information about the ride Without moving your body for a long time, how does it affect your health?

1. If collectingmore than 10 hoursper day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 147%

2. If collectingmore than 7 hoursDaily exposure increases the risk of depression by 47%.

3. If you sit togethermore than 2 hours It increases your risk of developing endometrial cancer by 10%, colon cancer by 8%, and lung cancer by 6%.

4. If you sit togethermore than 90 minuteson a regular basis increases the risk of death by up to 2 times.

and 5. Increase the chance of leading to diabetes by 112% in those who have sedentary behavior as a way of life.

However, getting up and moving your body Walking for just 2 minutes every hour reduces the risk of premature death by up to 33%, so it’s important to set aside time to rest your eyes. Take a break for your body every day for good health.


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